Race: Miqote + Viera
Age: 28
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 150 lbs
Birthday: First Umbral month, 29th day. (2/29)
Occupation: Retainer Barista!!

Physical Description:

From top to bottom, Rin is different, for certain. His ears are floppy, unable to twitch like most, but they are still just the slightest bit expressive when the emotions come. His eyes are slightly different from each other- his right eye is a bright gold while his left eye is a pale pink. On his left eye, he has a long scar coming from above his eyebrow to the middle of his cheek. His body's build is a slender top, spreading out into thicker thighs that seem to shape a pear. While most Viera would have a small tail, he gained his mother's tail with a Miqote's tail that is far more expressive than his ears.

Coming down his legs, where normally there would be an ankle into feet, he has peets with soft black beans underneath.

Name: Zackie, but you can call me Rin OOC as well, as long as it's specified.
Pronouns: She/He
Data Center/World: Crystal || Zalera
RP Style: I'll try to match whatever my partner is using as well.
Triggers: Emetaphobia, trypophobia, non-con, character death.

For roleplay, I will handle anything possible. There's very few things that I will say no to (please read triggers above), but I'm down for many things as long as it is spoken about and agreed upon beforehand between both of us.

Rin was someone that loved the learning and looking into new things. He was a rambunctious kid, wanting to prove himself to the village despite being.. different. He would grab new creatures on adventures and bring them home, pick up new skills that he thought people would appreciate.. anything for praise.

After leaving the forest, Rin found his new home in Kugane, helping the Shinsengumi with tactical planning, using his knowledge as a Sage. Having the knowledge to go through with the plans that he would create for battles, Rin was able to climb the ranks and become a captain, training and commanding all those around him.

It was fun while it lasted, the years of training that it gave him, but he knew that he couldn't stay stationary. While he knew that there was more to life than just Kugane and his forest, he wanted to experience that in places that weren't just . . . battles and bloodshed. And so, he left Kugane, in search of what else he could put his skills to use for.

That's when he became a retainer.

While traversing the lands and learning to become a retainer, he picked up a few classes, as well, such as Bard. He enjoyed the thought of performing stories for those around him, telling the children about what had happened, keeping them entertained. The center of attention. That was him.

Rin enjoys the attention and while he may be a little bit reckless in his adventures as a retainer, he does so out of a need to be recognized. Something about given praise and told that he's doing well.. It was something that didn't leave him after Kugane, or the forest.

Currently, he despises his job, but he tries his best to hide it. He knows that it pays well and while he wishes to change jobs, he can't.. do anything about it. He laughs off all the new scars, all the new injuries, but deep down, he wishes for more.

And that is what he does now. He sits and waits, waiting for a new adventure, waiting for a companion.. Anything.

✘ Adventure. -- Rin loves to hear about the world around him and the things other people have done. Any sort of story, he will drink up and gladly just listen as intently as possible.

✘ Music. -- Once a bard, always a bard. While he may not publically play the instruments anymore as that is reserved for company that wouldn't need to read this sort of thing, he will gladly talk about his experiences as a traveling Bard and what he did during that time. Or just music in general.

✘ Medicine. -- Wether it be medicine itself, the art of healing, or anything around that, healing is the one thing that he will always return to. He could be doing a normal day's activities, but the moment someone says that they are hurt, or need help, he is immediately there.

✘ Heritage. -- Always ask about his tail and floppy ears. He loves talking about his mixed blood, holding it as a point of pride for himself.